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Click on stallion name for additional information.
Stud Fee: $400

Stud Fee: $500
Available 2020

Stud Fee: $750
Stoner Ridge Farm is proud to offer a varied selection of the Rocky Mountain Horse breed's finest stallions. Some of our stallions are registered KMSHA and MPH as well. All are outstanding. They have risen to the top of their class in many disciplines including conformation, western pleasure, versatility, and their ability in the show ring or trail riding disciplines. They have excellent conformation, ground manners, and wonderful gaits. Their lineage . . . impeccable. Please explore their pedigrees and accomplishments. Contact Charlie DeAtley at Stoner Ridge Farm for additional information or to book your mares 859.749.8982. All these remarkable stallions come with a live foal guarantee and are available for live cover or A.I.
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